
It is our policy to be the leader in the industry we operate in, by always producing high quality products from the freshest raw materials. The company strives to ensure that the production and services always meet the expectations of its customers, with quality and safety issues at the forefront. We are committed to being at the forefront of all activities, continuously improving, and working harmoniously with the environment and our society. Human resource, safety, quality, and the environment must always be priority, and improvement must constantly be made. Sómi aims to be a desirable and safe workplace where equality is the guiding principle.

We aim to remain as the leading company in the food industry and always be the first choice for customers, to provide them with safely produced high quality products, to have a strong product development and innovation in ready-made food for individuals and families.

Three of Sómi’s values are, quality, freshness, and stability, and these values mark and guide our conduct and decisions.

Quality: A great deal of effort is put to ensure the highest quality and safety of our products. We always produce first-class food with high-quality ingredients and strive for excellence.

Freshness: We produce fresh products daily and put a lot of effort into always using the best available ingredients.

Stability: We provide consistent, high-quality products, by showing discipline in our working methods and our strict processes to ensure stability and produce first-class products that our consumers can trust.